It isn't known how or why, but somewhere along the line it became unacceptable to play with your food. And as the world's funnest snack, JELL-O just couldn't have that. So they developed JIGGLEVISION: a way to send secret messages that can only be decoded by looking through red JELL-O gelatin. A series of print ads featured hidden jokes and riddles to decipher, and an interactive website allowed to fans to create and send their own encrypted messages to friends.

Crispin Porter + Bogusky asked me to produce a set of illustrations for Jell-O's Jigglevision campaign in which fans create secret messages to share and decode with red Jell-O cups.

Jigglevision was awarded a Merit for Innovation in Print by the One Show 2014 and featured on Creativity Online, Fast Company, AdWeek, My Mom's Facebook, and more.

Work in progress

Art direction by Allison Bhatta.